Day activity will be at CopenHill (

We can meet you here at 11:45 or we can meet at the Metro end station “Orientkaj” (near Comwell Portside hotel) at 10:55. We will catch the ferry from Orientkaj to Refshaleøen and then walk the short distance to CopenHill. Please be on time for the Orientkaj – since the next boat is too late for the event.

At CopenHill they will guide us about the activities – it will take approx. an hour. Then there will be sandwiches for lunch at 13:00.

After lunch I am going to hit back to the hotel, (will catch the ferry 13:34) – you will have time on your own, you are welcome to go back with me or go/sail downtown (you can catch the ferry (3 stops) or bus).

I will see you again at 18:30 for the party.

See you soon….